Friday, March 02, 2012

American Idol S.11 - Top 12 girls

I have not felt like myself for the last few days, but I am gonna use watching Idol as a way to feel normal again. So bring on the screechy girls.

Chelsea Sorrell - Cowboy Cassanova by Carrie Underwood: She sings thru her nose. I think she's cute, but nothing special. I like it when the judges agree with me, but for the record, i don't care when they don't.

Erika Van Pelt - What About Love by Heart: This girl sings with her throat. At least we are moving down to the correct place. I had like her, but not so much this. She looks old and did nothing different with this song.

Jenn Hirsh - One And Only by Adele: She's better than this. Not sure why these people think they can tackle Adele songs? She is and will always be, a better singer than all of them. Aim a little lower and it will make yourself better.

These girls need makeovers. Badly.

Brielle Von Hugel - Sittin' on the Dock of Bay by Otis Redding: Cannot stand this girl. She lived up to my expectations. Which were none.

Hallie Day - Feeling Good by Nina Simone: Still not impressed by anyone so far. She had a few hiccups, but sung it well. I guess it will take more to impress me lately.

Skylar Laine - Stay With Me by Faces: She's a little firecracker. She is confident in her voice and it shows. For being so young, she is really good performer. I have never heard that song before, but I liked it.

BTW... I type my responses BEFORE the judges talk. I am not ripping off what they say.

Baylie Brown - Amazed by Lone Star: Oh sweetie, this is bad. I am cringing. This is really sad. Sad that she took someone else's spot in the top 24.

Hollie Cavanagh - Reflection By Christian Aguilera: Why are these girls picking these songs? If she makes it next week, who is she gonna sing, Celine Dion, Mariah Carey? These kids need to know their limits.

Haley Johnsen - Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics: Nerves are really getting to these girls. Few decent notes here and there, but cringe-worthy as well. I don't get what is up with these chicas. I thought they were better than this.

Shannon Magrane - Go Light Your World by Kathy Troccoli: She is so damn tall.

Jessica Sanchez - Love You I Do by Jennifer Hudson: Maybe its the missing tooth. I didn't like AS much as the judges, but it was good. That voice coming out of that body makes no sense. She will be around for a long time.

Elise Testone - One And Only by Adele: Didn't Jen do this song? seriously? Really lame. Would like to know who picked it first. This chick is rough. She's been through some shit. You can just tell. Her's is the only voice I have any desire to hear again. My favorite of the night.

Who goes: Baylie, Chelsea, Haley, Brielle, and Erika.*

*This was written AFTER the top 13 was revealed, but I have not watched the show or looked at the list of winners.

1 comment:

Karin in Phoenix said...

I loved Skylar - firecracker is a good way to describe her.

Baylie is so pretty. Too bad she sucked. :P

One of the Hallie/Hollies I liked. Don't remember which one now. The thing I hate about the top 24 is that most of them are so completely forgettable.

Shannon - VERY tall. I'm not sure I loved her arrangement, but I loved that she sang that song. That's one of "my" songs that I sing. :)

Jessica - I wasn't expecting much after all the talk about her illness, but WOW!

I didn't like Elise as much as I wanted to.