Friday, October 21, 2011

the latest

My mom has breast cancer. It was found very early and all the doctors say she should be ok. She does not have surgery scheduled yet, because she just had an MRI yesterday. We might know on Monday when it will be.

I have been going around in circles thinking of how to talk about it. I finally just decided I needed to just say it. I haven't told many people and haven't really talked about it to anyone other than my family.

This is not news that anyone needed to hear. This is the 3rd time in my life that I have heard this news. Once in every decade of my life. My heart tells me this time will be the same as the others. She will be ok. I know the statistics about early onset breast cancer. The only thing is, I can't be 100% positive that she will survive. I have allowed myself a small percent of space to be fearful. This does not mean I won't support her in every way. This means I am trying to protect myself. I don't want to be blindsided if something were to happen.

I feel like this isn't making any sense. I have been struggling to explain how I feel lately. But I knew I needed to share this with my friends. So now you know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You and your sister are the MOST important things in my life. I want you to know that I am going to fight like Hell to bet this. We have too much life to live together to let this get me.