Wednesday, October 19, 2011

chill out

Tonight Chris was upset about the republican candidates for president. I told him to chill out. The truth is, all these candidates are doing is distracting most of the country from the real issues. The election is not for over a year. I am well aware of this, because it is 3 days after my 35th birthday. This is a day I am dreading, therefore the election matters little me. Actually that's not true, but I am trying not the think about that mid-way thingy. So the election is more than a year away and what the media seems to be focusing on the most are these crazy Republican candidates. I told my husband to relax about it, because what these candidates say now and who the front runner is does not matter at all. What does matter are the real issues facing this country. (This post is not about that, though.) In a year, it will matter what they say and who is in the lead. I can look back on the past few issues of my Newsweek magazines to show what craziness is going on. Who is the Republican candidate of the month, or even week. It has changed so many times in the last few months that I can only keep track by my magazines. So, chill out if Herman Cain is the front runner now. Rick Perry was a few weeks ago and that's over. Just spin the week of candidates and whomever the spinner lands on is who takes the lead this time. Worry when ANY of these people are the front runner IN A YEAR! Or at least 9 months. For now, do not let it bother you what those folks say. ("Don't blame Wall Street. Don't blame the big banks. If you don't have a job and you're not rich, blame yourself." <--- crazy ass m-fer) Lets worry about what really matters right now. Seriously.

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