Tuesday, October 06, 2009

towards the future

I have been debating a lot lately over whether or not to keep this blog. I figured that I am always posting on twitter or facebook, why keep this update too? I had to decided to dump it after all these years. But tonight, I had a change of heart. I decided that instead of dumping the whole thing, I would revamp it. Give it a face lift. More like a major over-hall. My plan for the next couple days is to make this blog more me. Not that it wasn't me before, but it needs to be the me I am today. I hope that if anyone still reads this, they will be ok with the change. I need to make this a place I am more comfortable writing. I need to write more. I need to use more than 140 characters to express myself. And I already have this place, so I'm gonna make it cozy and start using it again.


BrightStar (B*) said...

I agree that it's good to have a space to express yourself. I do understand not always wanting to blog anymore, though.

comebacknikki said...

I'm glad to see you're back! :)