Tuesday, June 02, 2009


My cup runneth over with joy right now. I know that I have a lot of drama and not so great things in my life, but so far June has been amazing. And I honestly owe it all to music. More specifically, the Dave Matthews Band. Watching the concert on TV last night, reminded me, not only how much I love them, but how much music fuels my soul. During the course of the concert, I cried, I laughed, I cheered, I screamed... I experienced so many emotions. It sounds crazy, but it really renewed my spirit. It took being reminded of what I've been missing out on to make me realized what I needed all along. Music that brings me all the emotions that you should experience. In DMB, I feel joy and carefree , but I also feel loss and sadness. But the joy always overcomes the sadness. That is how Dave writes and the music that accompanies it too. Horrible things happen, but celebrate we will...cuz life is short, but sweet for certain.

I am listening the new album, Big Whiskey and the Groogrux King, right now. Groogrux sounds crazy, but not when you find out that Groogrux was LeRoi Moore's nickname. It's been less than a year since his death and it still feels so raw. For the band and even for me. Just thinking of him still brings me to tears. I hear his absence in the music and seeing him not there leaves a huge hole. But again, the joy of who LeRoi was help overcome the sadness of his absence.

The opening track of the album is a solo that was recorded before he died. I share with you, Grux.


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