Wednesday, March 18, 2009

i can die now

Twelve years ago, when a young 19 year girl bought the Original Broadway Cast Recording of RENT, she made a wish. One day, I wish I could see the original cast perform the show. The movie that came out eight years later was the closest she thought she would ever get. And she was ok with that.
She settled.
She settled until tonight!


I had the honor and privilege of seeing Anthony Rapp and Adam Pascal, the original Mark and Roger from RENT. I have seen many people portray these characters, but there is only one original. I cannot begin to explain what this meant to me. It probably seems extreme to many people, that I care so much. But RENT has been a huge part of my life for a very long time. I have seen it many times, in many forms, and it means so much to me. I know every word. Tonight, I resisted the urge to sing along and I just listened. I listened and I cried.

I began crying from the moment Adam walked on stage as Roger, in those plaid pants. Seeing him was it. I was done. Then Anthony came out as Mark and I screamed out loud.
^^^ not my picture!

I saw Adam and Anthony perform RENT!
I just like hearing that.
It was almost as if my ears and eyes were playing a trick on me. It was surreal. A dream come true. I would have given anything to see this and I did. I need someone to pinch me.
The entire show was amazing. The rest of the cast was the Broadway touring cast. I honestly haven't even looked at the playbill, so I don't know if I know anyone else in the cast. I was too excited to even open the playbill. Crazy I know.
Hearing the songs sung the way they are in my head was incredible. Their voices are the only ones that ever sound right. And it sounded sooooo right. It was perfect. I know I am blabbing.
Ok... details... If you don't know the show, you might wanna just skim this part.
  • Adam looks just as good in those plaid pants as he did 13 years ago!!
  • After looking at Anthony for a few minutes, I couldn't help but think of Adventures in Babysitting! Come on!! hehehe
  • Other than I'll Cover You reprise, I cried the most during Rent (the song, that is). I think it's because of the connection between Adam and Anthony. The are those people (yeah, yeah... I know that's not true, but whatever!) and seeing them sing together was like nothing I could have ever imagined.
  • The girl who played Mimi (I'll look for her name later) was actually quite good. That is a very hard character to pull off and she was great.
  • There was one mistake (but if you didn't know the show, you never would have noticed, cuz they are good actors). At the end of Tango Maureen, Joanne says into the microphone, "My Maureen" and it echos. The microphone didn't echo! Anthony Rapp then had to wing it. He said, "Try it again." She did and still no echo. He then went on with the rest of the song and they ended it like normal. It was hilarious. I love mess ups like that, because its unique. The got extra loud applause and I am sure its because many people knew it was a mistake.
  • Seeing Anthony Rapp perform La Vie Boheme was almost more than my little heart could handle. He puts his whole self into playing Mark and he is such a spazz. I love him. During intermission of the show I posted a twitter: Seeing Anthony Rapp sing La Vie Boheme live, makes my life complete. It was too much for me. More crying.

  • These boys mean so much to me. I keep saying that, but I mean it. I have had the hugest crush on Adam Pascal since I first heard him sing. And I want to be friends with Anthony Rapp. I just love them.

    Ok.. I really am rambling. Lemme get to the extra good stuff! After the show, the cast members were standing at the exits collecting money for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. I walked all around to see if maybe Adam and Anthony might come out. No such luck. So I just started to leave. When I got outside, I saw this huge crowd near the stage door. DUH! Why didn't I think of that! They have to come out sometime! So... I saw Anthony Rapp, but you know my main goal was to see Adam. The guards were not letting him take pictures with anyone, but he was signing autographs. So I got real close and asked him to sign my playbill!!! EEK! I was right next to him. He handed it back to me and I said, "Thank you Adam." He looked up from the next one he was signing and looked me in the eyes and said, "You're welcome." Ok. Yeah. I know it was not much, but holy crap! I just met Adam Pascal. I have loved him forever! After getting his autograph, I tried to follow him down the line to take pictures, but it was really tough. I got a couple decent ones:


    He was moving so fast, it was hard to keep up with him, especially while I was freaking out just being that close to him.
    I will photo the signed playbill tomorrow. That puppy is getting framed!

    I am too excited to sleep, but I am exhausted. What an amazing night?!?!?!?

    1 comment:

    BrightStar (B*) said...

    Sounds like an awesome experience!