Tuesday, December 30, 2008

best discoveries (for me) of 2008

This year, I discovered a few things that I had heard about, but never experienced myself.

1. Gossip Girl - I had heard of this show, but right before Season 2 saw a re-run episode of season 1. I was hooked with about 20 minutes of that show. I searched and found all the episodes of season 1 online and watched them all. Now that we are way into season 2, its my favorite show. I am really glad I gave in.

2. Chelsea Lately - this show only started in November of 2007, but I always thought it was dumb. I never really watched it, but I figured it was another stupid late night talk show. Then in the last few months (since losing my job), I have been up late and randomly watched it. Now, I am totally addicted too. Chelsea Handler is hilarious. I love her snarky ass. I watch it every night.

3. Twilight saga - I took the leap. I resisted for the longest time. But some friends kept talking and talking about these books and so I finally did it. I know they are young adult books, but I loved them. Actually, I am almost done with Breaking Dawn, so I haven't finished the series yet. But damn. I really like them a lot. I also saw Twilight the movie. I am not a full on fan freak, but I understand the inclination.

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