Friday, December 12, 2008

about last night...

I wrote this on my forum last night. It seemed like a good description, plus it was full of emotion. So here is what happened last night:

*jumping up and down*
omg omg omg omg

i just got home from Spring Awakening. it was amazing! i was so close. a little too far to the left, so i missed a little of the action. but it was so great. i could see the spit, i was so close. i cried like a baby during Those You've Known and the finale. I am such a wuss. and to top off a perfect show... i met the cast! AAAAAAWWWWWWWWW!
they did what's called a "talk back" after the show where a couple cast members come out and answer questions. since the show is controversial, there were lots of questions. hardly anyone stayed. so it was very intimate. the two cast members that spoke played two of the three main rolls. they were so nice and answered everyone's questions. afterwords, i got their autographs on my playbill. i spoke to Christy Altomare, who played Wendla, about living in Cincinnati. She just graduated from the same college my husband went to. Then I met Blake Bashoff, who played Moritz. He replaced the original actor on Broadway and he was amazing and so nice. I was so happy to have met them. But pissed, because it was the one day i forgot to bring my camera. i had changed purses to take a smaller clutch and didn't think to grab it. Oh well. Still awesome. But it gets better! After leaving the theater, i was walking thru to building to get to my car and i turn a corner and the whole rest of the cast was there talking to fans. Insane. It was awesome. I was totally overwhelmed. I managed to bring myself to get the autograph of Kyle Riabko, who played Melchior. He was so nice and awfully dreamy. He asked if I enjoyed the show and was really interested in hearing my response. It was very cool. I got all fangirly. But then felt dumb, because all these kids are WAY younger than me. But so talented. I am jealous. It was such a great night. I met and got the autographs of the 3 lead actors.

So freaking cool! Learn about this show. Seriously. Google that shit.

1 comment:

BrightStar (B*) said...

I'm glad that you liked it... I was worried that you would feel like you were too close, though.