Tuesday, December 21, 2004

sorry. forgot to post about it.

My second interview was today. It went ok. I am not a good judge of these things. Half way through some of my answers, I lost my train of thought and forgot what the question was. That's probably not a good thing, but whatever. I am just glad it's over. Maybe now the dull headache that I've had for two days will go away. Or maybe not... Mandy is coming to town today. Mandy Claus is coming to town. Mandy Claus is coming to town. Neat. That's funny. I crack myself up. I don't like dressing up at work. I feel like a freak in these shoes. I am so used to wearing Birks that any other shoes feel weird. I think with some of my bonus money, I am gonna buy myself one other pair. I am lacking a pair to wear with khaki pants. I am planning on wearing khaki pants tomorrow and I have nothing to go with them. It depends on what I'm wearing on top as to which shoes I will wear. Such a decision. (Damn, that's a Joan thing!) My father called me Joan yesterday and the funny thing was, I was actually on the phone with Joan when he referred to me as Joan. Whatever. Y'all can bite me. I'm glad today is over. I couldn't even eat my lunch today because my stomach was all knotted up. TMI.

edited to add: I was this close to changing all the Mandy's to Moaned!

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