I have yet to discuss on here, my overwhelming love for the show Glee. I will freely admit that I am obsessed with it. However, I really try hard not to read or watch any spoilers. I like to go into the show fresh; not knowing what will happen. However, I came across a clip from next weeks episode and I just had to watch it.
**stop here if you do not want any spoilers**I had to watch it, because it is Puck singing
Sweet Caroline. You heard me! I am so in love with Mark Salling. Puck is my favorite character. He needs to be developed more. I know there are so many characters that its tough to develop them all. Anyway... watch.
This clip brings up many questions... Why does it appear he is singing it to Rachel? Does Quinn really have feelings for him? AUGH!! I never should have watched this, because now I want to search around and find out more. But I will use all my will-power to not do that. I can wait until Wednesday. Can't I?